I Refuse to Live in Fear!
I’ve been to the store and there were no eggs. I’ve had friends text me and beg me to stay home. So many people are in a panic over the covid-19 virus. I know that it’s serious. But it does no good for anyone to be in fear or worry.
As individuals, we have very little control over the course that the virus will take. Yes, we can wash our hands, obey the “social distancing” parameters, stay home if we feel sick, and get tested if we have reason to believe that we have the virus. Other than that, I’m reminded of the Serenity Prayer here.
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.
Attitude Adjustment
We may not be able to control the path of the virus, but what we can control is our attitude toward it. Without getting “woo woo” about it, there have been plenty of studies showing that stress, fear, worry, and other negative feelings can adversely affect our body’s immune system. In addition to following the often-mentioned precautions, we can do everything possible to boost our own immunity to this and other illnesses. So having a positive attitude can only help us. That, and taking lots of immune-boosting, good quality, natural vitamins. Vitamin C, zinc, and elderberry are three. There are many others. Eating more citrus fruit can help as well. Get plenty of sleep.
We can reduce the stress of the situation in other ways, like practicing meditation, yoga, and deep breathing. Expressing gratitude for what we have helps us focus on the positive, and therefore have a calming affect. There are many resources available online. Some of us may have some extra time on our hands now to do some research.
Remaining calm will help the people around us stay calm as well. It’s contagious. Maybe that’s a bad word to use…
Find the Opportunities in the Disappointments
Parents are scrambling to figure out what to do with young children who will now be home from school. Community and business activities are being cancelled. I work at home anyway, but most of my upcoming meetings have been cancelled, giving me more time to do other things. Am I thinking about how my business might be affected? Yes, but I’m choosing to keep busy and move forward as much as possible.
In my mind, the universe is telling me to clean my house, finish my taxes, sort through boxes of pictures, edit another Two Grannies on the Road show, and complete a number of other projects that I haven’t had time to address. There’s an opportunity for busy parents to spend more time with their children. Whatever the circumstance, the point is, focus on what door has opened, instead of what windows have closed. If we focus on that, there is less time for fear and worry.
Use Technology to Stay Connected, for both Business and Pleasure
I’m a baby boomer. We didn’t grow up with smart phones and computers. I consider myself lucky, because I have been forced by my career to stay current with technology. However, many baby boomers have not, and many don’t want to. In fact, I know a number of Gen X’ers and Gen Y’ers who don’t like technology! However, as the world advances, those of us who don’t keep up can get left behind.
I see the current health crisis as a way of forcing people to use technology to carry on a somewhat normal life. Cancelled in-person meetings can be conducted by phone or computer, using such services as freeconferencecall, Webex, Zoom, Skype, and others. If we are going to keep the economy from collapsing, we are going to need to do everything possible to continue with business. These same tools can also be used to keep in touch with family and friends.
There are also many studies out there confirming that our happiness depends on the friends and family that we have surrounding us. If we begin to self-quarantine, we are in danger of cutting ourselves off from the support system that is vital to our well-being. So let’s get brave and explore all that technology has to offer, to keep life as normal as possible until we get through this.
Let’s replace fear and worry with positive actions, positive thoughts, and look for the opportunities to make things better.

Awesome advice! I’ve seen a daily calendar for families that include creative time, quiet time, study time, etc., and it’s refreshing. Imagine if families discover one another! Structure is a good thing for children too.
We all have those things we’ve procrastinated about so let’s get to it, folks!
Yes Shirley, that’s what we need right now. Positive solutions! Stay safe.
I could have written this, nearly word for word! Yes to all of it!